SHBCC @ The Jumblies Jumble Sale – Saturday 21st October 2023
On Saturday 21st October the Jumblies with be holding a Jumble Sale at the Sheriff Hutton Village Hall with proceeds going to the Club. These events are always well attended and over the years have raised funds for many local organisations and charities. Last month they raised over £2000 for York Against Cancer – a charity with close associations to SHBCC.
To make the most of this opportunity we need plenty of donations of good condition clothes, books, toys, DVDs & CDs (in cases) and bric-a-brac as well as plenty of cakes and tombola prizes.
If you are having a clear out, please consider donating to the jumble sale. If you can’t wait, we are starting to accept small donations for storage at the clubhouses. Please contact the club at: or call 01347 878548 to arrange.
Do you have a jumble sale in December?
Hi Beryl,
There is no jumble sale in December. The next one will be on 17th February 2024 to raise money for the Parish Church and the Bowling Club. If you need more information the Jumblies can be contacted on 01347 878392.
Many Thanks
What date in October please
Hi Susan,
Jumble Sale date now confirmed as Saturday 21st October.
Good morning.
Can you please tell me the date of the next Jumblies?
Thank you.