Walking 100 miles for Spinal Muscular Atrophy
In June 2023, club member Charlie Foster is joining a dedicated group of parents and volunteers to take on a 3-day challenge, attempting to walk the entire length (over 100 miles) of the Cleveland Way, to help raise funds in support of RALLY ROUND RUPERT – a SMA charity that provides financial support to advance clinical research into this devastating condition. By raising funds and awareness, we hope we can make the lives of so many like Rupert and Oscar better.
Spinal Muscular Atrophy (SMA) is a genetic, neuromuscular condition that causes muscle weakness and wastage due to a loss of motor neurons. Each year about 1 in 10,000 children are born with the condition and before 2016, without treatment, most children with SMA Type 1 were expected to live for less than two years. Today, early diagnosis and immediate medical intervention can significantly abate the impacts of SMA, drastically improving the quality of life for children affected, however very few people, including clinicians know about the disease.
Rupert and Oscar, both of whom have SMA Type 1, are on a mission to change that!
Please click here or scan the QR code below to donate.
Thank you for all your support!