News Round Up – February 2023

Apart from the odd jobs around the club not much work has gone on regarding the playing surfaces. However, there has been copious amount of work on the cutting and rolling machinery, making sure it is sharp and ready for use.

The main event of the year so far was the holding of a club dinner for the first time in several years since both the merger of Sheriff Hutton Bridge and Sheriff Hutton cricket clubs plus the Covid intervention in 2019.

It was held on 27th January 2023 at Sandburn Hall where a great night was had by all 70 attendees who were treated to a very entertaining video celebrating the careers of retirees Mick Oldfield and Colin Mole. There were several acknowledgements from club members and two clips from David “Bumble” Lloyd and Nasser Hussain both very entertaining.

The senior presentation took place with 18 different awards being handed out – all detailed on the club website –

Matthew Fisher cheered us all up with his performance in the first “A” test against Sri Lanka getting a 5 for and 50. He clearly continues to put in good performances on the bigger stage.

All the winter nets have started with good attendances at both senior and junior nets.

We held a scorer’s course with 6 attendees (both male and female) and now have a well-trained group who are capable of scoring both in the traditional book and using online apps.

The boys that are on ECB Pathway and Hub seem to be enjoying it and are looking forward to demonstrating what they have learned.

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